Kneeling for National Anthem

I understand the right to  protest what you think may be an injustice, but does kneeling for the National Anthem really show the injustices in this country against people of color?  I would argue that there are better ways to do this.  Protest at a police brutality function, support an issue of actual brutality, or organize a function with your local, state and federal officials to make a statement.

That being said, anyone has the RIGHT to kneel during the anthem.  However, that does not mean that anyone else (an owner, a fan, etc.) does not have a right to react to your protest.  Just as you may have a right to take a knee, an owner has the same right to decide you do not represent the owners values or do not represent the name of the organization and move forward on getting rid of you. It does not keep a fan from voicing his same free speech by declaring you an imbecile.

See, free speech goes both ways.  you cannot declare in one breath that you have a right to free speech, but the person with an opposing view does not have the same right.  It is interesting what people now feel is hate speech.  Although I despise hate speech, it is still free speech.  The KKK is wrong on almost every issue, but they are allowed their right to free speech.  Similarly, calling for dead cops is just as wrong - but free speech.  However, when one side decides that violence rather than debate, is the answer to an opposing point of view, we have reached a point of nonsensical logic.  If one thinks that their questionable arguments are free speech, but another's opinion should be viewed as hate speech and thwarted, we have hit the danger zone.

i have many other ideas here, but I am curious on others' thoughts on this.  Feel free to post.
